Roseman Residence

Loveladies, Long Beach Island, NJ

New Construction Home

The fenced garden on the street is an extension of the home providing privacy from the street.

The fenced garden on the street is an extension of the home providing privacy from the street.

Stairs, planters and walls are carefully designed to nestle the home in the site.

Stairs, planters and walls are carefully designed to nestle the home in the site.

The sleeping rooms (left) are separated from the public rooms (right).

The sleeping rooms (left) are separated from the public rooms (right).

The change in ceiling heights and carefully designed furniture creates “rooms” without walls.

The change in ceiling heights and carefully designed furniture creates “rooms” without walls.

Layering of furniture, cabinetry and architecture separate one space into three.

Layering of furniture, cabinetry and architecture separate one space into three.

A partial wall and built in dresser create a private entry vestibule.


A partial wall and built in dresser create a private entry vestibule.